A recap of 2019’s real estate market | Real Estate Report
In 2019, the average sales price for single-family homes was $1,117,353 and the median sales price was $1,000,000. This compares to 2018, where the average was $1,195,194 and the median was $1,008,000, so an ever-so-slight downtick in price in 2019. But, the volume was...
Paying taxes: A matter of perspective
Happy New Year, Readers. It’s time to say ‘tis the Season. No, not that season—it’s TAX SEASON!
Tax season involves long hours at the office with little to no time for anything other than work. But it also become a time of year where gratitude...
Paul Johnston, the man who did everything: Part 2
Aptos Village once had a Town Hall on the corner of Valencia Street and Trout Gulch Road, but it had been torn down.
Ask Nicole: Screen Time in Summertime
When I was a young child, the only TV shows my parents let us watch were Sesame Street, Mister Rogers, or anything else on PBS. Occasionally, we watched The Brady Bunch, until my mom declared the show off limits.
Understanding Your Credit Score
Most people probably have a sense of what their credit score is and if their score is considered a “poor” score all the way to “exceptional.” Banks and credit cards will show you your credit score often updated on a monthly basis.
Financial planning for single parents | By GARY E. CROXALL, CFP® and SOREN E. CROXALL, CFP®
Raising children can be one of the most rewarding experiences in life. It is also very costly.
The SECURE Act | Financial Advice
In December 2019, Congress passed the SECURE Act which is the first major change to retirement legislation since 2006 with the passage of the Pension Protection Act. The passage of the SECURE Act will affect retirement savers in a number of ways from changes...
Ask Nicole: Quality time matters
I recently read that “According to a [2007] report by the A.C. Nielsen Company, parents spend only 39 minutes per week in meaningful conversation with their children.”
New County Homeless Funding
During the last week of January communities around the country conducted a federally-mandated point-in-time (PIT) count of their homeless populations.
Saying goodbye
Name a brick for your family and become a permanent part of Aptos Village.