Raising children with special needs | Ask Nicole
Raising children is like riding a wild roller coaster with exhilarating highs, terrifying lows, and unexpected twists and turns. Some parents love the action-packed roller coaster and find joy and laughter even in the midst of tantrums and attitudes. Other parents close their eyes...
Rethinking retirement
By Soren & Gary E. Croxall
The coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent economic fallout has forced many people to rethink their retirement strategy. Whether you are mid-career and retirement is still a distance out, retirement is fast approaching, or you are a recent retiree wondering...
Working with vacation rentals in our county
Growing concerns over the loss of housing and the commercialization of neighborhoods led the Board of Supervisors to request staff propose a set of new restrictions for vacation rentals. The Board of Supervisors unanimously approved a set of guidelines for new restrictions that County...
Aptos Real Estate update
Across Santa Cruz County, inventory and sales volume is down from a year ago.
Aptos History Corner | Paul Johnston
A community is defined by the people who take a leadership role. In the 20th century, Paul Johnston was constantly involved in the development of Aptos Village for more than 100 years.
Navigating uncertainty
As we write this month’s article, we are facing a sea of uncertainty. First and foremost, we understand yours and your loved one’s physical health is of primary concern. However, we wanted to use this article to discuss a few tips and resources to...
Gentlemen Only, Ladies Forbidden
The title is supposedly an acronym for where the name “golf” came from. I don’t like to be politically incorrect but, this is what is called an “old wives’ tale.” Women have been very involved in golf on the Monterey Bay. Marion Hollins, a championship golfer, developed the Cypress Point Club and Pasatiempo Golf Club.
Something in the water
Gena Rea Timmons is shown on the right. Aptos History Museum archives
What is the price of knowledge?
Where did the word "museum" come from? The word is from ancient Greece and describes a building or temple dedicated to the Muses. OK, who were the Muses? In mythology, they were the daughters of Zeus, the king of the many gods and goddesses, and Mnemosyne (nee-moss-ih-nee), the goddess of memory.
The nine Muses were goddesses of the literary arts, music, visual arts, culture and science. The Muse, Clio, was the goddess of history. The Muses spark creativity in mortal people. Museums collect, preserve, interpret and display items of artistic, cultural, historical, or scientific importance for the education of the public and for future generations. Above all, museums are storehouses of knowledge.
Financially Prepared Children
It’s May already and you know what that means… Pomp and Circumstance playing and kids in their caps and gowns graduating from high school and college and moving into the next phase of their life.