51 F
March 12, 2025

Veterans organizations to be recognized at Skillicorn BBQ

Two local veterans organizations will be honored during the Skillicorn BBQ on April 3, an annual fundraiser for the Boy Scouts of America.

The Veterans of Foreign Wars, Freedom Post 1716, and the American Legion, Watsonville Post 121 have been selected as the 2019 Friends of Scouting and will be recognized at the event, which will be held at the Corralitos Padres Hall, 35 Browns Valley Road. The event begins at 5:30 p.m., followed by the dinner at 6:45 p.m. and program a 7:45 p.m.

Both organizations have supported the Veterans Day March and Ceremony in Watsonville and have presented programs and guest speakers at various local schools. Their honor guard unit has conducted burial and flag raising ceremonies throughout the years.

The VFW and American Legion have also assisted the community in collecting American flags that need to be retired in accordance with military honors.

The VFW has been the charter organization for a Cub Scout Pack, and the American Legion was the charter organization for a Boy Scout Troop in Watsonville.

Both organizations support scouting by working with Boy Scouts on their Eagle Projects and community service requirements, with the display of flags along Freedom Boulevard and two local cemeteries.

Eight young men from Watsonville, Aptos and the Pajaro Valley who earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 2018 will be guests at the barbecue.

Last year’s barbecue raised $22,409 for local Cub and Boy Scouts, which provided summer camp scholarships to local youth.

For information about attending or purchasing tickets for the barbecue, call Tony Scurich at 661-5697, extension 15.

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