42.2 F
January 15, 2025

Serving you on County and Regional Commissions

I have the pleasure of serving our community as the Chair of the Board of Supervisors. However, I also serve on your behalf in a number of other capacities on local and regional commissions. Oftentimes constituents need help on speciality issues that might be associated with these commissions so I wanted to give you an overview of the other commissions I serve on, my role and their functions. 

Regional Transportation Commission (RTC) — Board Member

The RTC sets priorities for improvements to the transportation infrastructure and network of services including highways, major roads, bus and paratransit, rail and alternative transportation options. The RTC pursues and allocates funding for all of these transportation elements and adopts policies to improve mobility, access and air quality.

Flood Control and Water Conservation District: Zone 7 — Chair

Zone 7 was formed for the primary purpose of improving the flood carrying capacity of the Pajaro River, Salsipuedes Creek and Corralitos Creek system within the Pajaro Valley floodplain. Zone 7 capital projects are intended to limit the potential for flooding within the floodplain area.

Monterey Bay Air Resources District — Chair

The Air District is responsible for air monitoring, permitting, enforcement, long-range air quality planning and education related to air pollution as required by the California Clean Air Act and Federal Clean Air Act.

Santa Cruz Mid-County Water Agency (MGA) — Board Member

The MGA is an 11-member board who oversee the groundwater management activities of the Mid-County Basin Area in Santa Cruz County. The basin management goals are: ensure water supply reliability for current and future beneficial uses, maintain water quality to meet current and future beneficial uses and prevent adverse environmental impacts.

Library Financing Authority — Chair

Including members from the cities and county, this joint powers authority exists for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction and improvement of public library facilities.

Oversight Board for the former Redevelopment Agency of the City of Watsonville and the City of Capitola — Chair

After the passage of Assembly Bill 1X 26, abolishing redevelopment agencies statewide, redevelopment agencies transferred assets to cities, which now serve as successor agencies. The Successor Agency is required to take a number of actions to dissolve each agency, complete the agency’s projects, and liquidate its assets and is overseen by an oversight board. I am the chair of these two local oversight boards. Later this year these boards will become one countywide consolidated board, which I will serve as an alternate member.

Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) — Board Member

LAFCO was created by state law in 1963 to regulate the boundaries of cities and special districts. LAFCO’s objectives are to: encourage efficient service areas for services provided by cities, counties and special districts, to guide urban development away from prime agricultural lands and open space resources and to discourage urban sprawl.

Santa Cruz County Sanitation District — Board Member

The Sanitation District is responsible for the collection of wastewater within the district’s boundaries and environmental compliance.

California Film Commission — Board Member

I was appointed by the Governor to the California Film Commission in 2017. The Commission serves as a liaison between film, television and commercial productions and government, administers the state’s Film and Television Tax Credit Program and provides location and production assistance including for productions in Santa Cruz County. The Commission is one of several economic development departments within the Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development working to attract, retain and expand business opportunities in California.

As always, I appreciate hearing your thoughts. If I can be of any help on these commissions or in my capacity on the Board of Supervisors, please don’t hesitate to contact me at 454-2200.

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