64.8 F
March 7, 2025

Nominations sought for Trailblazers Awards

The Santa Cruz County Women’s Commission is now accepting nominations for the 2019 Trailblazers Awards.

The Trailblazers Awards recognize people in Santa Cruz County who, through their professional or personal efforts, are making differences in the lives of women or girls.

Honorees are people who have made significant contributions to improving the lives of women or girls. Past Trailblazers have been recognized for their impact in a range of social, political and economic issues affecting women, including in the areas of criminal and economic justice, education, prevention of violence against women and girls, women’s healthcare, political participation, and/or various organizations that support the interests of women or girls.

Trailblazer Award recipients will be honored during the March 26 Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors meeting, followed by a recognition gathering tentatively scheduled for March 30.

To nominate someone for this award, you can:

• Fill out the form online at www.bit.ly/WomComNom

• Visit www.sccwc.org/events to download the form, and email it to co*********@sa*************.us

• Fax it to 454-2411

• Mail it to Women’s Commission, 701 Ocean St., Room 510, Santa Cruz CA 95060

More than one person can be nominated.

The deadline to submit nominations is Feb. 15.

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